Thursday, February 18, 2016

...from research on the Nazca lines....

".... line of the monkey continues as a zigzag shape considered the symbol for water by North American Indians and  Egyptians. In Nazca they call it “fineo mio,” mio, being the word for river. The Dipper, the Monkey, and the River has the origin in the water worship, the  divinity that had to be appealed to, by creating a huge image on the landscape to behold from high above, and implore to bring more water to the lands". 
The Mayan associated the Monkey with fertility and agriculture. 
The most sensible explanation for the existence of the figures, for their large size and perfect execution, is that they were made" to illustrate  
abstract and mathematically correct concepts of Time and Space" in which the society of Creators had lived approximately 2,500 years ago. They arrived from the other side of the Pacific Ocean much before to this inhospitable desert with an intention to travel and find water and fertile ground. They founded most of today's capitals in the S. America (see upcoming diagrams in the blog) and settled them with hard working & innovative beings who not only manipulated first useful plants (8,000 years ago potatoes, 11,000 yrs corn, etc.) but also built first roads and bridges, and harnessed water and wind in their projects. They also created the LARGEST MAP known to man, tracing the S. American continent with geoglyphs and marking it with points of reference (mountains peaks, carved & laboured gigantic  representation of their faces and familiar forms, sculpting the continental coastal areas, etc.). 

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