Friday, December 4, 2020

Parque Nacional da Serra da Capivara - WikiParques

A Serra da Capivara representa um dos mais importantes patrimônios culturais pré-históricos. Na UC, encontra-se uma grande concentração de sítios arqueológicos com pinturas rupestres. Os vestígios humanos remontam a 60 mil anos. Estão cadastrados 912 sítios, dos quais 657 apresentam pinturas rupestres.

Pelo seu valor histórico e cultural, o Parque foi declarado em 1991 Patrimônio Cultural da Humanidade pela UNESCO.

Há 70 milhões de anos, a região era coberta pelo mar, segundo pesquisas científicas. Grandes animais rondavam em manadas de mastodontes, super-lhamas e bichos-preguiça chegavam a ter 8 metros de altura, segundo a arqueóloga Niède Guidon.

Encontrou-se no sítio arqueológico Boqueirão da Pedra Furada, vestígios do homo sapiens que datam de 50 mil anos – o que levantou a discussão sobre a teoria arqueológica sobre a vinda do homem do continente americano que teria saído da Ásia e atravessado a pé o estreito de Behring, entre 12 e 15 mil anos atrás.

A região foi ocupada por caçadores-coletores e agricultores ceramistas.Parque Nacional da Serra da Capivara - WikiParques

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

....some of the Northern Chile´s geoglyphs are at least 3,000 years old..Geoglifos y tráfico prehispánico de caravanas de llamas en el Desierto de Atacama (Norte de Chile) Nunez, Briones, Standen

En efecto, la presencia en cerro Mono de una
tumba datada a los 3.110 + 40 años a.p., demostra-
ría que, antes de los geoglifos locales, ya existían
rutas iniciadas por grupos costeros. Estos se des-
plazaban hacia enclaves de los bosques del Tama-
rugal y oasis aledaños, tras la explotación comple-
mentaria de madera, alimentos e oasis, vegetales
para artesanías y material lítico.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Tupã (also Tupave or TenondeteSpanishTupá) is the name of the supreme god in the Guaraní creation mythȚupa is also the word in the Guaraní language that means "god". Țupa is considered to be the creator of the universe, and more specifically the creator of light. His residence is the Sun.[2]Before the creation of the human race, Țupa wedded the goddess Arasy, the mother of the sky whose home was the Moon. According to the myth, Țupa and Arasy descended upon the Earth one morning after their wedding, and together they created the rivers and the seas, the forests, the stars and all the living beings of the universe. It is said that the location they stood while creating these things was atop a hill in Areguá, a small city in Paraguay near the capital of Asunción.
Țupa and Arasy met through a constellation of stars, and it took them years to find one another.

Creation of human race 

After the creation of all the things in the earth, Țupa set to creating the first human couple on the earth. For his creation, Țupa used a mixture of clay, juice extracted from yerba mate, blood from the Short-tailed Nighthawk, the leaves of several kinds of plants, and finally a centipede. He made a paste of this mixture, using the waters from a nearby spring that would become Lake Ypacaraí. From this paste Țupa created a pair of statues in his image, and left them in the sun to dry and filled them with life. The newly created humans were placed in front of the gods, and the woman was named Sypave (literally "mother of the people") by Arasy, and the man was named Rupave (literally "father of the people") by Țupa.

Personality Țupa was known for his personality. This is how many people remember him. He was a very seductive/sexual god. This led to his many children. Țupa and Arasy counselled the humans to live peacefully, to procreate, and to live in love. Țupa then created the spirits of good and evil, Angatupyry and Tau, and left them to guide the people down one path or another and departed back into the heavens.

INDIA - LOS ORIGINES muy importante e interesante video para nosotros y las culturas de la America del Sur